Monday, August 19, 2013

pinterest success!

this weekend, we worked on a few projects around our house- one being a pinterest project... (J-Hud's favorite.)  i rarely have successes with pinterest projects but this weekend everything went perfect!  we recently bought a new house and it has taken us me a while to really figure what i want it to look like.  i finally found something on pinterest for a large wall we have in our living room and decided to recreate it!

the original pin:

how we created this look:

first, we used paint tape to decide how big we wanted our pieces to be:

then we bought 6 eight foot long 1x6 boards from Lowe's and cut them to different lengths.  then we stained them so we could get a different color.  here is the stain we used:

the stained boards:

then we screwed the boards into the wall- the finished product:

i really love how this project turned out and can't wait to search for fun pieces to decorate it with!  it was fairly inexpensive (i think we spent around $80.00) and way cheaper than other things of this size i had looked at for this space.  i am mostly happy that i finally had a pinterest success after all my fails and my husband doesn't hate me after my lack of patience when waiting for the stain to dry.  


Friday, August 9, 2013

bring your dog to work day.

happy FRIDAY friends!

while today may be like any other Friday to anyone else, it is a very special Friday for a chocolate lab in Texas.  namely, this one-

ignore the awful iPhone quality picture.  Addi is in doggy heaven for her first day at work.  she usually stays in her crate while I am at work because she can't be trusted to roam around the house by herself yet.  if you have never owned a lab- you should know that they are unlike any other puppy.  everyone says they make the best dogs.  dogs being the operative word there.  they are the most wild puppies, but we love her anyways. 

as I was getting ready for work this morning, she was being extra cute and I thought today would be a good day for her first day of work.  especially after she looked up at me with those big eyes and said, "Iz will werk 4 milkbonez mom."  okay, my dog can't talk but if she could I think that's what she would say.

so, happy bring your dog to work day!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

happy early birthday, kliff.

the youngest and hottest coach in the BCS turns 34 tomorrow.  yes, the head coach of Texas Tech University's football team is only 34.  happy birthday, Kliff.   

photo courtesy of Texas Tech Athletics

not only do I love Texas Tech football, but I love the excitement Kliff has brought back to the Red Raider community.  the fact that he is a former Red Raider only solidifies my crush on him!  with all the hot weather in Texas, I am more than ready for fall weather and football season to see where Kliff takes our team this year!  now if only I could convince J-Hud that $300 for cute Frye boots is an investment in my football season future.

guns up,

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

three reasons i don't watch the bachelor/bachelorette.

let me start this post by saying that I have multiple friends that watch the show and love every second of it.  I used to be one of those people during the Trista-Ryan era of the show.  I blame that couple for keeping the tradition alive because they are one of the few couples who actually stayed together and gave everyone hope that this show is legit.  anyways, onto my top three reasons I don't watch the show:

1. it's unrealistic.

I mean seriously, when is the last time your date picked you up on a helicopter and flew you to a remote island for the day?  it's unrealistic for your first five dates to all take place in different countries.  I would absolutely never have an off day if I knew that I could be on a different continent by the end of the week frolicking around on a beach or zip lining through a rain forest.  when I watched the show, I caught myself saying, "I bet in real life..." BOOM. this is not real life. 

2. they rarely stay together.

according to my Wikipedia research (which is always 100% true according to my college essays), roughly 18% of the couples featured in the final episode have stayed together.  don't get me wrong, I do think they fall in lust/love during the show but then the show ends and they go back to the real world with real world stress and things get difficult and that person turns into "someone they don't know." well, duh.  this person is now back at their job instead of riding in vintage convertibles around the Italian countryside.

3. the crazies.

I know girls like Tierra obnoxiously fill up my twitter feed make for a dramatic show, but it's straight up annoying.  ABC claims they have no hand in who the bachelor/bachelorette chooses to stay/send home, but c'mon why else would they keep these crazy people?  I mean, let's be honest ABC is in the business to make money.  crazies tend to get everyone talking about their show and that's what they want.  maybe I just read too much into things.

and that my friends, is why I choose to not watch the show.  but that doesn't mean I don't watch my fair share of reality television (or that I won't be your friend if you watch the show.)  I told someone I would probably never make a blogland bestie because I don't love the bachelor/bachelorette...please don't hate me blog world. 

to each their own,
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Thursday, August 1, 2013

the new girl.

starting a blog has to be one of the most intimidating things in the world.  when you read blogstalk other blogs you think its going to be all blogland besties, perfect witty posts and blates with perfect pictures with fancy cameras.  well, so far it's not that glam but a girl can dream.

now, about me-

i am a twenty-something newlywed from a small town in Texas and momma to a chocolate lab puppy named Addi.  my husband is J-Hud and thinks i am completely crazy most of the time but loves me anyways.  we are both Texas Tech University grads.  we spend most of our time golfing, supporting our Red Raiders, watching Texas Rangers baseball and cooking out with friends.

as for this little blog o' mine- i promise this awful homemade design will be gone sooner rather than later and i will hopefully quit being such a newbie and get a little better at writing posts so someone other than my best friend will read them.
