Friday, November 8, 2013

twilight zone.

last night I took a trip to the twilight zone and today I am thankful I for the blog world because I can talk about it.  thank goodness my blog's name is shameless.
anyways, J-Hud and I decided to go try out a new sports bar and grill that just opened.  we got there, chose a seat at a really long bar and talked about what a great space it was- very industrial which is right up my alley.  after about thirty minutes of talking, I realize we are sitting right next to one of my ex's brothers.  I didn't think much about it and didn't say hi since this was an ex from high school and that is ancient history.  plus, I have this theory that a high school ex shouldn't even count because we all know our hormones were making decisions for us then.  you didn't make questionable decisions in high school?  just me?  ok.  moving on.
we continued watching the games that were on and then the worst thing about living in the town you grew up in happened- my shouldn't even count ex walked in.  this not ex was my first long term boyfriend and not to ruin the surprise but it didn't work out and we went our separate ways tried our best to avoid each other at our small high school.  we literally never spoke again after the break up phone call. 
fast forward eight years and here we are sitting side by side at a sports bar and grill.  I wasn't dressed cute and hadn't washed my hair in days so this was bound to be a really great "OMG haven't seen you in look great homeless"  I politely said my normal, "hi, how are you?!" and then carried on with conversation with J-Hud.  a few minutes later I went to the restroom and when I walked towards our table I saw my husband + shouldn't count ex catching up on their old church camp days. 
so I channeled my inner-miley and came in like a wrecking ball.  just kidding- that's I lie, I just wanted to say that.  what really happened is I walked over to the table and we proceeded to hang out with not ex for the next two hours.  it wasn't as awful as I thought it would be and I survived to tell blog about it.  and now that I have written it out, I'm not even sure if this is a story good enough to blog about. 
"I guess you had to be there."

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