Thursday, November 7, 2013

pioneer woman fail.

last night I ate dinner with a friend while my husband went an indulged on homemade stew made by my momma.  I don't like stew and I don't cook things I don't like so the only time J-Hud gets stew is when my mom makes it.  anyways, after dinner with my friend I decided I needed dessert so I decided to make these beauties.
Pioneer Woman Cookies
the recipe seemed pretty simple so I decided I could probably get these whipped up before my husband got home and look like a domestic goddess.  when it came time to take them out of the oven, I was pretty pleased with myself because they looked how they were supposed to so I popped the little candies in the middle and then took a picture of my masterpiece to show my friends. (ignore the horrible quality, I didn't plan on this being a blogworthy topic)
see!  they look like the picture for the most part.  anyways, J-Hud got home and was obviously pleased with my work and the cookies had cooled and Reece's had melted at this point so then it came time to pop them out of the pan and enjoy.  this shouldn't have been too difficult because I was a good little Pioneer Woman and I sprayed my pan before.  WRONG.  these little beauties did not come out of the pan perfect for me to put on a cute little stand.  they did taste good but we had to eat them from the mini-muffin pan with a spoon.  since we are fat kids, we were not above eating them with a spoon and enjoyed them.  BUT- I had planned on using Pioneer Woman's Thanksgiving Turkey recipe for my very first time to cook the Thanksgiving turkey and now I'm all stressed out she will fail me again.  I even tweeted at her to make sure I bought the exact right ingredient. (apparently she has more important things than my Thanksgiving turkey because she never responded)
the best part of the night was when I had about 10 little min Reece's left over and I thought to myself, "I will save those little treasures for tomorrow night because I already feel too guilty about eating cookies with a spoon tonight."  I put them far back on the kitchen counter so our dog wouldn't get into them and went to bed.  foreshadowing- this was a fail too.  remember that precious little 80 lb lab puppy we have?  she decided that while we were getting ready for work this morning that she needed a little peanut butter treat for breakfast this morning because dog food is so not the rage anymore.  since she is human sized, she was able to somehow help herself to about 7 of them before we caught her.  I guess her doggy paws wouldn't unwrap the wrappers because we didn't find any.  so instead of ten of these little gems, I only have three now and my dog will be pooping gold foil for days.  
I bet the Pioneer Woman's dog doesn't eat all her left over candies.

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